Wednesday, 26 August 2009

lonely ;l

today , i just feel .
so alone *
no sad feeling .
no happy mood .
just ...
a lonely mood ; )
just dont know why .
i have no friend .
no anything .

Thursday, 30 July 2009

taylors life *

so now .
im at taylors library now
its moral lesson .
teacher cal us to do NOTHING !
so like ...
tutttt ~~~
they cal us to research bout BULLYING ISSUE OF MALAYSIAN MORAL

its so like .. wats malaysian moral . i dun even noe wats dat actualy
and no offense . but its really a assignment and it cost 20 %
god damn it
think i gonna be guai guai zai adi TT

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Europe Trip III - Fantasy Disneyland In Paris

they have ICE RAIN . cool har ? ;p
saw the ice ? *

my biggest aunt
2nd big de aunt
and my dai kao fu * im in his house when im staying at germany . he looks so young xD
shes my cousin * shes adorable
thats my mum and dad having mi and wei wei ^^

thats the family photo gallery

saw mi ? ^^

heres the biggest musuem in the world

accidently take de ~ xD
OMG ! its mickey mouse ! and its disney land ;p

we shud go there b4 we're actualy 18 ; )

the poison apple


aku mickey mouse ^^

going up to the towel